Diesel Therapy Academy’s educational products are created by experienced instructors in EMS education.
Our content is created to help you gain a deeper understanding of the knowledge in your EMS courses
and help prepare you to pass your NREMT test on the first try.
EMT Exam Prep
EMT Exam Prep is a scientifically proven tool in mobile learning and exam preparation to help boost your score and prepare you to pass the NREMT written exam. Mobile learning allows you to study anywhere, anytime, right from your mobile device. EMT Test Prep helps you study more efficiently. You can break your studying into smaller sessions to allow you to absorb the material better and easily fit studying in your busy schedule. We provide you with 300 test questions with detailed rationales explaining what the test question is asking. We provide tips for breaking down the question, eliminating wrong answers, and teaching essential concepts and pathophysiology, which will help you better understand and answer higher-level thinking questions. As a bonus, we have included a study section with basic vocabulary, must-know medications, medical assessment sheets, and trauma assessment sheets to help with both the written and psychomotor tests.

Paramedic Exam Prep
Paramedic Exam Prep is a scientifically proven tool in mobile learning and exam preparation to help boost your score and prepare you to pass the NREMT written exam. Mobile learning allows you to study anywhere, anytime, right from your mobile device. Paramedic Test Prep helps you study more efficiently. You can break your studying into smaller sessions to allow you to absorb the material better and easily fit studying in your busy schedule. We provide you with 1,000 test questions with detailed rationales explaining what the test question is asking. We provide tips for breaking down the question, eliminating wrong answers, and teaching essential concepts and pathophysiology, which will help you better understand and answer higher-level thinking questions. As a bonus, we have included a study section with basic vocabulary, medical assessment sheets, and trauma assessment sheets to help with both the written and psychomotor tests.

Pharmacology Drug Card Review With Audio
Pharmacology Drug Card Review is a comprehensive, easy to use study tool with both written and audio drug cards to maximize your efficiency with study time. Knowing your medications, doses, and push rates are essential to passing the NREMT exam and caring for your patient in the field. Searching multiple pharmacology resources to obtain all of the information for multiple drug cards is a waste of time. Pharmacology Drug Card Review has done all of the work for you. Medication doses and indications can vary from state to state and region to region. The NREMT does not test you on your state protocols but instead uses a national protocol to standardize these discrepancies across different states and regions. You can test your knowledge on various characteristics of drugs such as Mechanism of Action, Indications, Contraindications, Adverse Reactions, Side Effects, Duration, and Dosages. Use this mobile learning app to memorize medications to be confident in your medication administration in paramedic school and the field. Nursing students, pharmacology students, and medical students can also benefit from this review.
⦁ Generic and Trade Name
⦁ Class
⦁ Mechanism of Action
⦁ Indications
⦁ Contraindications
⦁ Dosage and Administration
⦁ Duration of Action
⦁ Special Considerations and Black Box Warnings

Dynamic Cardiology Test Prep
Dynamic Cardiology Test Prep is one of the NREMT testing stations for the paramedic psychomotor exam. Cardiology is one of the most important subjects in all of paramedic school. Dynamic Cardiology Test Prep will help you understand the objective of the station, understand the critical fails, and give you 68 different practice dynamic rhythms that are timed with answers. As a bonus, we added both 4 and 12 lead rhythms for practice. This app can be coupled with our Static Cardiology Test Prep app to help you pass cardiology in school and pass your psychomotor stations for the NREMT. These apps explain the requirements to pass the station, highlight the critical fails, have the correct rhythm interpretation and treatment algorithms to check your knowledge. There are practice tests and review material to help you master cardiology and pass your NREMT exam the first time.

Static Cardiology Test Prep
Static Cardiology is one of the NREMT testing stations for the paramedic psychomotor exam. Cardiology is one of the most important subjects in all of paramedic school. Static Cardiology Test Prep will help you understand the objective of the station, understand the critical fails, and give you 25 different practice tests that are timed with answers. That is 100 different rhythms and scenarios! As a bonus, we added more than 100 additional practice rhythms. This app can be coupled with our Dynamic Cardiology Test Prep app to help you pass cardiology in school and pass your psychomotor stations for the NREMT. These apps explain the requirements to pass the station, highlight the critical fails, have the correct rhythm interpretation and treatment algorithms to check your knowledge. There are practice tests and review material to help you master cardiology and pass your NREMT exam the first time.

Anatomy and Physiology Test Prep
How good is your clinical knowledge? Let’s find out! This is a great learning tool for students, educators, healthcare professionals, or anyone interested in the human body. Fundamental vocabulary, summaries of the body systems, diagrams, and an extensive atlas of the body systems are targeted for the paramedic, nursing, and medical student. This is a quick study, mobile-learning tool that allows you to study anywhere, anytime, right from your mobile device. Anatomy and Physiology Test Prep gives detailed information to help you learn and understand the basics of A&P to help you pass your exams and build a solid foundation that will be used throughout your career.